B2B Digital Marketing BlogAdwordsValuable Remarketing Techniques for AdWords

Valuable Remarketing Techniques for AdWords

remarketing techniques for adwords

Many business and website owners don’t have the slightest idea of what “remarketing” is all about. In fact, if you are going to ask them what remarketing is all about, some of them would readily scratch their heads in utter confusion and ignorance. Yet, remarketing is a fairly simple concept to understand, and its value is crucial to the success of online marketing strategies of any business. Hence, let me give you an overview of what remarketing is and the different remarketing techniques you can utilize on Google AdWords.

Understanding “Remarketing”

Remarketing or behavioral retargeting is a deliberate and highly targeted way of advertising to previous online customers or to online searchers who had previously visited or had contact with your website. It doesn’t matter whether the searcher is a previous customer or simply a visitor that did not convert into a customer; what is important is that they had previously shown interest in your website or product, and you want to reconnect with them via the use of the remarketing tools of AdWords. Using the remarketing tools of Google AdWords, you can have your customized ads to appear on those websites visited by these previous customers and visitors to remind them of your business or products, and eventually convert them into customers. How this is done is fairly amazing, and Google always has a way of doing it; in turn, Google profits from such this ingenious remarketing scheme.
To achieve effective and efficient remarketing, you should be enrolled in Google AdWords. If you already got an AdWords account, then, you can immediately engage in remarketing, and improve your AdWords account by downloading the free software of AdWords Editor. AdWords Editor can help you efficiently manage your AdWords accounts. It can also help you download campaigns, utilize the powerful editing tools of AdWords, and easily upload those changes to AdWords.
The AdWords power tools are many, one of which is the bulk editing tools that can immediately help you make multiple changes on your account. These tools can also help you view statistics regarding the campaigns that you have initiated and the subsets of those campaigns.

Useful Remarketing Techniques
If you are familiar with your AdWords account, you will surely notice that there are techniques on how to improve your remarketing scheme. Some of these techniques and tips include the following:

1. Creating a Remarketing List
The first remarketing tool you can use in AdWords is the tool that helps you create a website remarketing list. The process is simple. You simply have to sign in to your AdWords account, click on “shared library” and then, click on “audiences.” Then, you should simply click on the “remarketing list,” afterwards, you should click on the “Website visitors.” Then, you will be prompted to enter a remarketing list name. You will also be prompted later on to set the period on how long visitors should be included in your remarketing list. You can also create several remarketing lists depending on the online searchers that you would like to target. Likewise, you can make a remarketing list for previous customers only. Moreover, you can create a remarketing list for those who visited your website but did not convert.
2. Tailor Your Remarketing List according to Your Remarketing Scheme
AdWords can also help you align your ads strategies according to the audience that you want to reach. You can use the “Ad gallery” which is a free tool provided by AdWords to enable you to create great ads. You can also configure your ads and make them look like your site. Your ads should also contain a definite “call-to-action.”
3. Wittily Choose Your Bid Strategies
Choose bid strategies that optimize your remarketing scheme. It is not enough that you go for higher bids; it is also useful to know which categories to bid for that will help you maximize your remarketing scheme. If you are selling, for example, electronics, it is better for you to bid for a remarketing list that will provide greater ROI. Moreover, you should make use of Conversion Optimizer. This tool will help you optimize the placement of your ad auction. The purpose of this tool is to get you added conversions at a significantly lower cost.
4. Email-list Remarketing
You can upload a definite list of email addresses to AdWords, and when the owners of these email addresses signed in to Google, Gmail, or YouTube, AdWords will readily show your ads on the websites browsed by these people. In this way, you can immediately reconnect and even convert these online searchers into customers.
5. Choose Your Remarketing Display According to Your Scheme
The primary tool by which you can reconnect with previous customers and visitors of your website is via the use of display. AdWords will give you an option whether to use standard or dynamic remarketing. If you choose standard remarketing, for example, you can choose standard ads or static ads. On the other hand, you can also choose dynamic remarketing that allows you to personalize your ads via the use of dynamic or high-performance ads.
6. Create Long-term Strategies
AdWords allowד you to optimize your long-term strategies. But first, you have to conceptualize your long-term strategies. Through the help of AdWords, you will figure out which websites are not getting you any conversion and which websites are prolifically getting you enough conversions. Equipped with this information, you can immediately exclude those non-generating websites, and instead invest on those websites that generate conversions.
7. Make Use of Display as well as Search Campaigns
It is not enough to connect with your previous customers and visitors. It is also necessary to expand your remarketing list by engaging in online strategies that can attract people to your site. Search and Display Campaigns are very effective in achieving a more expansive remarketing list, and this expansion with eventually leverage the success of your business.

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